I recently took a chance on a new purchase that has proven to be one of the coolest cameras that I have owned. I picked up the Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom and have been veryContinue reading
Category: Jonathan Sauceda Posts
Posts By Mindshift-1
Shooting while dancing! BT live at Kingdom
I was able to take a couple of shots of BT as he played a show at Kingdom in Austin, Texas this past weekend. I think that these images capture pretty well the environment andContinue reading
Using small items for big pictures
Sometimes I think that the best subjects for photo concepts are items that you may find everyday. If you look around, you can see many different photo ops in your everyday life that can createContinue reading
I love my 18-55 lens!
Even though my 18-55 lens is a stock lens, I really do love mine! I was able to finally witness and capture my cat munch down on her cat grass!
Simple Images Can Say So Much With Good Composition
Image composition is one of the main reasons why I enjoy digital photography so much. It allows you to be able to create mini scenes of emotion that are then captured by the eye ofContinue reading
ACL 2013
Mindshift-1 was able to attend ACL 2013 this year on both weekends which was a first in the festival’s history. Here are some photos from the event!
Something Called Nothing – 2013 Inklife Tour
I was invited to document the band Something Called Nothing as they performed at the 2013 Inklife Tour this past weekend in Longview, Texas. Here are a few images from the event. Please be advisedContinue reading
Images For New Mindshift-1 Singles
Here are the most recent images for the Mindshift-1 singles that have been released recently. I think they look really great when paired up with the logo and the track name.
It was a great 4th of July!
It was a great 4th of July! I was able to snap this pic as we were setting off fireworks. This is probably the best portrait pic I have taken to date.
Shiny Toy Guns in Austin Texas at the “Keep Austin Weird Fest”
Shiny Toy Guns played the “Keep Austin Weird Festival and 5k” This past weekend. The show rocked!